






Periodic updates about stuff :)

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Ya I know this page is scuffed on mobile I AM AWARE!!
I actually think this page might look better in portrait mode on mobile. Flip that thang over why don't you...


i forgot to update websit

Since Year of the Tiger I've been assigning Tricolor a zodiac animal each year and this year Florence gets the snake!!! I wanna refine the design a little bit more, but for the sake of getting this blog out you may have him. I wanna draw past year designs just to have them all in one place, but that'll probably come out along the next art log. So. It'll take a while.

Hello! Happy New Year! I am currently writing this from my room that has no electricity. An outlet started to burn, and I had to flick the breaker (which coincidentally also controls the electricity for half the house.) I had a look at the wires myself (very dangerous by the way, I'd do extra research before you do this) and came to the conclusion that this was something that I could not fix as the wires were burnt all the way back. I need to call an electrician, but as it is the holidays, it'll be a long time before I can get one that's available. For now my room is powered by one lamp and a small daisy chain (I also recommend looking up safety precautions for daisy chaining, many things I've learn about outlets these past few days) leading to the bathroom, which does have electricity.

I’ll try to write this on the fly. Usually when I write something to edit or add onto later, I never actually get to it so it’s never posted. (RIP November update blog post.)
This blog post probably will end up being published at a later date, but I’m writing it on the first of January.

November – December Update

I haven’t really updated the site in about two months. That is to be expected though as I am not too fussed with updating constantly. I don’t think anyone is too bothered by this either, so it’s fine, isn’t it? I suppose I just don’t really care too much about being online.
I switched hosts to have more of a presence so I guess I do care about socializing, but at the same time I’ve found that I don’t as much as I believed I would. My actions are contradictory to my thoughts. I have issues.

Nothing too eventful has happened these past two months. I turned a year older somewhere within that span and was able to briefly go home for a bit, which was fun. Well, there was a looming dreadfulness due to , but outside of that I had fun. I think I would have felt a little isolated that year had I not gone home. I actually had a lot to talk about of my vacation, but as it’s not fresh in my mind anymore, I don’t feel like writing about it. However, I promise it was pleasant. Here’s a dessert I ate from a dessert shop that I can’t stop thinking about.

Bubble waffle cone?!? It had strawberries and whipped cream and vanilla ice cream on it. I think about her so much.

New Years

I like the New Years quite a bit. Lunar New Year is my favorite holiday. I don’t know, I tend to feel more festive around late January than any other time of the year.
I like American New Years too. The ball dropping, and the fireworks, and that whole obnoxious aesthetic. I think people probably don’t like it but I enjoy that side of things a lot as well.

I just like it when everyone celebrates a thing. For other events you usually have people who don’t celebrate it for whatever reason, but New Years is pretty unavoidable unless you don’t follow the Gregorian calendar which would seem a bit inconvenient in our society, but it’d intrigue me if so (Even then, the year would change for you at some point, right...?) Well, you technically don’t have to celebrate New Years, but you are most likely going to date things for the next 365 or so days as 2025.
A topic that would be interesting to look more into soon would be how New Years is celebrated around the world, as I do not know much. I’m thinking about it now.

I’d like to believe that I’m not as afraid of the passage of time as some other people may be. I think we all sort of fear it, but mine comes closer on my birthday than on New Years.
I don’t really see New Years as time passing, but as a clean slate, I guess? New Years just feels clean. Feels fresh. I think many people feel this exact sentiment. It’s a pretty light and hopeful feeling to me even if nothing has really changed aside from the date.

2024 Reflection

I hope 2024 has treated you kindly. I don’t know if I can say that mine was great. My year started off pretty well and then slowly started to become more and more maddening.
When my year ends off “bad,” it’s usually due to things that I am in control of. The actual year itself wasn’t “bad,” it was me that was less than ideal and I usually know the solution to fix it (whether I actually do is another problem.)
The way I see it, my years end off neutral even if I myself wasn’t so great. However, I think this is the first year in a while where I can say it was genuinely awful for reasons outside of my control. That frustrates me to no end. I don’t want to look back at my year being bad due to one or two things that in an ideal world really should have nothing to do with me.

It’s not like I’m upset by the year though. Or maybe I am. I never really feel strongly about things when I have to reflect on it alone, and once I’m alone I forget how I felt at the moment. If I had to guess though, fear and bitterness were my two most felt emotions last year. Very scary.

I’m chill though and I don’t like to dwell on things that will upset me if I don’t need to at the moment. So here are some things from last year that I’m happy happened to me.

  1. I saw my girlfriend earlier last year. This also meant I met his pets for the first time. I have always had the idea that animals naturally dislike me, but they, for the most part, liked me quite a bit. Or my girlfriend was lying to me. Of course I had a nice time with her too. We went to some aquariums and just hung out and such. I went to my first Miku Expo as well!! Listening to Unknown Mother Goose in a venue of people who get it is really something. I kinda understand music venues now.

  2. I cooked a whole lot. I pretty much started to cook everyday since I moved out. It’s only a temporary situation like I’ve stated in the past, but I think I’ll really miss cooking whatever I want for myself.
    My relationship with food has always been good, but I added three vegetables to my “can eat and enjoy” section heh . . . (12 year old achievements. Those vegetables, by the way, are cabbage, bell peppers, and enoki mushrooms. I love roasted bell peppers and boiled-til-soft cabbage that’s in hotpot. Enoki, despite my distaste for mushrooms, isn’t actually too bad and I recommend as a beginner mushroom.)
    I made a lot of stuff, but I’ll just say now TOP THREE DISHES I MADE!:
    1. Taiwanese Fried Chicken
    2. Mille-Feuille Nabe
    3. It’s not really cooking but I make so much sashimi. . .
    I’d love to make a detailed log of everything that I’ve made. I love food so much bro. I can generally eat most meats without fuss, and had a hard time distinguishing good quality meat from bad, but I can now say that I’ve had a proper smoked porkchop too! So much good food in the world. I am happy to have born on this earth.

  3. Read more books than usual. I can’t remember how many books I read. It definitely wasn’t in the double digits, but it’s still amazing that I’m picking up books. The sort of books I read I guess can be defined as “literary classics” (most of them are absurdist, but that’s because I like to read what my girlfriend recommends as well and she’s a big absurdist fiction reader), as in I’m sure you’ve at least heard of the title or author before, but coming this year I’d like to branch out. There’s a lot of good things out there and I like to see how different people write.

  4. My art has gotten a liiiittle bit better? Well that’s contestable, but I’m at least a bit quicker. What I am really proud of though is that I’ve shared my art a little more. Like 40 images. That’s a lot of images that I made myself to be sharing!! Well, I don’t know how many people actually look at it, but it’s out there. And I haven’t even deleted it yet!!!!!!!
    I’m very scared of sharing art because I’m surrounded by friends who are all extremely skilled at it which in turn makes me extremely nervous about it (<-- pointless.) I’m trying to get over this as well, but I don’t let them talk about my website or art or mention anything about it in front of me. Which is insane of me I must let go one day. . . But I’m happy that I at least took this step.

  5. Made time to play video games. Yakuza 7 is lifechanging!!!!! I love Kiryu, but Ichiban was the protagonist that I needed. He makes me feel less afraid to just go for it. (ALSO FUCK this post and happy birthday Ichiban Kasuga.) Playing Yakuza 7 and reading Don Quixote back-to-back will take you to some crazy ass places and make you think you can do anything fr 💀
    I also went through my first few fully Japanese visual novels! My comprehension is getting better. I can even read my Vocaloid yuri doujinshis now with little to no interruption I’m just that good.
    Favorite games I played in 2024 were Yakuza: Like a Dragon and Paranormasight!
    Oh I also got into the 3DS/Vita/Wii U hacking world. I started playing and connecting with a genre of games that I’ve always avoided (dress up games. I’m still really picky about it, but Style Savvy Styling Star is GOATed) and it’s oddly healing. For me. One day I’ll properly articulate how I feel about the genre as a whole, but if you’re even the slightest bit interested in a game and you can get it, you should just try it out despite all prior notions you may have.

  6. I’m taking better care of myself I suppose? I won’t go too into detail about the more gross stuff, but take for example I stopped biting my nails a few months back. It’s always been a nasty habit of mine, but I just stopped one day. I’m happy about one particular thing that I’ve taken care of as well, but that’s TMI and really this bullet is only for me to read and understand. Looking to kill off more bad habits in the future!

I feel like my original goal was to think about ten good things, but I rambled on too much, I can only think of six. That’ll have to do though. I’d like to talk about stuff I want to get done or do more this year.

I like New Years resolutions, but I don’t like to publicly announce them. Because if I don’t get to some them, or any of them, then I look stupid. But it’s whatever. I should care less about looking stupid anyway. It might be good to list them down and write about them so I don’t forget.

  1. It’s my New Years resolution every year and I fail it to varying degrees every year, but I want to talk more. Whether it’s people I know, or someone new, or just writing about what I think/feel, I’d like to talk more and feel less ashamed about it.

  2. More games! Yuppppp. I’d like to catch up with my ever-increasing backlog. Maybe I’ll give myself a number. Ten games this year.

  3. More books! Books are so time-consuming, but I think it’s really important to distance yourself from everything going and to give your full attention to something slow. Another number, since I am slow I’ll give myself the number seven for books I want to read this year.

  4. I didn’t do a single motion graphic last year! Real bummer. To be fair, my laptop can run After Effects, but it seems to run it worse than my PC and I don’t really like change. Regardless, I want to get back into it. And also too.

  5. As always, more beautiful Florences. Jokes aside I’d like to finish more pieces this year. I only finished like (checks folders) maybe four pieces. Five if I give myself more grace. As always I’d love to improve on basically everything. I won’t say what I’m working on because I like I said am shy about it. But I know the me who will read this later knows . . .

  6. I want to do more physical crafts. I’ve been apart from my sewing machines for so long. T_T

  7. I’d like to keep up my skincare routine because it gets really bad if I don’t lol!!!! I’d like to keep up with the good habits I’ve picked up last year and ditch the bad one.

  8. Basically I want to be awesome and epic.


ERM YEAH. That’s pretty much all I had to say. Very lengthy post, but thanks for reading if you did. I think I’ve found a nice time of day and place to jot down these sorts of entries, but I’m not gonna promise myself that I’ll write more because I never follow through.

No patch notes because I didn’t do shitttttttt, but you may have some stats from 2024. ;p
I do need to update my media log soon. I am so bad at that. But yes thank you for reading, bye byeee :)

  • Most Streamed Song: Butcher Vanity by Flavor Foley
  • Most Watched Streamer: GoodTimesWithScar :)
  • Most Watched YouTuber: ProZD Plays Games
  • Favorite Album: Constant Companions by Jamie Paige
  • Favorite Game: Yakuza: Lika a Dragon
  • Last Game Played in 2024: Case of the Golden Idol
  • Last Book Read in 2024: Butter by Asako Yuzuki
  • Deaths: 3
  • Different Dishes Cooked: 43-ish
  • Canned Fish Consumed: 24 cans
  • In 2024 I’ve had a Newfound Appreciation For: Vultures
  • Most Horrifying Fact I’ve Learnt in 2024: An electric eel’s vital organs only take up like 1/5th of their bodies and the rest are for their electric sacs. Which means if it weren’t for their sacs they’d only be a fifth of the length they are now. And it makes it look like they poop from their chin and that’s really the most horrifying part of it.


OKAY I did my fun little victory lap I'm gonna chill out now

Hello! Thank you to everybody who went around checking my site.
There's still a bunch of people's guestbooks that I wanna comment on, but I ran out of steam, so hopefully I'll get to them eventually. I like reading about everybody. Everyone keep talking about yourselves.

Maintaining a website is NOT my passion, so after this updates are gonna become only on occasion I would think? Maybe it's disappointing that I'm just another website that's gonna update one or two times every month, but this website does just kind of exist to look at all the things I've made. When it comes to like my thoughts or something, I don't particularly care to share my latest opinion on a thing. Also I'm kinda just boring. -_- wat is there to share right now lmao

Now that my art's actually on here I'm like. I'm not even gonna lie brah I like looking at it even if I don't like the actual art itself, so I'm motivated to update the site more often.
Well, strangely enough I've been liking my stuff quite a bit as of late. Might be because it looks nice on the site.
It's the artist thing to be like this shit is so ass... but I'm actually like "Huh. Looks okay." Of course I will be quickly humbled in about two hours I reckon.
But yea hopefully since my art is on here I'll feel more obliged to update. Yeaup. I'd like to update every month or so.

I'll probably still follow sites I'm interested in, but for now I'm gonna be more of a lurker. Still feel free to come and message me any time!

FTP Help?

I subscribed to Nekoweb (it's only three bucks!!) to try out the FTP stuff because it seemed appealing, but I'm not sure I'm doing it right.
I tried to mount the files into my local drive, but it asked me for a password and I didn't know what to input? (I did my API key and my log-in, but I couldn't figure it out.) So basically what I've just been doing is selecting the files I've actually made changes to and syncing them with the live copy on the Nekoweb servers.
I think I'm satisfied with that process for now even though it's still pretty manual. It works for me, but if any of you have an even better method, feel free to email me or leave me a comment on my guestbook about it?

Pages I want to make in the future

I'm not usually the kind of person to announce my goals publicly, because it feels like I never actually do them once I talk about it? I don't know I need to keep it in until I'm tired of working on it. Otherwise I have no interest in finishing it. Here are some pages I want to make in the future though! Unsure if I'm gonna have to change my layout because of them, but I hope not.

I want to make a music page since I do enjoy music, but it probably won't be anything too serious. I'm not gonna write long album reviews or anything, just gonna share some albums and songs I like. I have a really funny layout idea in mind for it, but who knows if I'll ever get around to it haha.

I also wanna make a shrine page! I have shrine pages planned for my characters, but because a lot of the assets for those have to be made because I can't really expect to find free use assets of my own characters, those might take a while. In the meantime though I have an interesting one planned? I hope I actually go through with it.

Misc. stuff

Recently I've been hanging out more with my friends. Which sounds kinda like a "well, duh" sort of thing, but I don't really hang out with them so I find it pretty notable.
I've been trying to speak out more whenever I want to do something instead of sitting and waiting for it to happen, but I'm still not the type to really initiate anything. Which I need to get better at.

We've been playing Webfishing. It's a cute game, but it definitely can't hold my attention for longer than a couple of hours, which is fine. They've got some bugs which I would consider pretty major that should be checked out (sometimes I can't see my friends), but overall it's awesome and worth the five bucks.

I'm piecement places. The guy that's censored had a cute avatar, but they are NOT my friend so they aren't allowed to be featured in this blog.

Me and my girlfriend. I took this picture as a "AHHH WE'RE FUSING!!" sort of thing, but looking back at it it looks like we're cuddling. Very cute in retrospect.

We're supposed to watch Transformers One next week. I know nothing about it, but I'm looking forward to it. It's been pleasant. I wish I could do it more, but really I feel like most of that depends on whether or not I actually say anything. It's such a nothing problem, but it's always a pretty big mountain for me to climb and it feels I end up rolling back down to the bottom every year. I'm trying my best thoughhhhhh let's see if I can keep it up.

Also I made chicken noodle soup recently. Easiest recipe on earth and it's so good. I recommend chicken noodle soup for everybody. I've also been making mille-feuille nabe and that may debatably be even easier. I found out I like soft cabbage. Everybody try out these recipes.


I fixed it so it's not jank anymore. Thank god. Still, I'm pretty proud of it it's funny. I haven't done lineless in a while, but my characters just look so cute in that style.
!! PROTIP !!: If you're weirdly shy about showing up at the front of the nekoweb website with broken site-box (like me), updating your elements.css doesn't count as an update, so you won't show up. Feel free to test and change your sitebox as you please... Heh... Here's how my sitebox looks for people not on nekoweb.

It's hard being the only person on indie web that cannot code... but it's honest work...

By the way Happy Halloween! I don't celebrate this shit and don't care for it as much as everyone else does, but it's still fun considering it's one of the few holidays people still get hyped about even as an adult. Please save all the pretzel snacks for me.

See you all next time. . .

    GENKWA V2.2.1 PATCH NOTES (These numbers make sense in my head)
  • I added a follow button to my site and then removed it because it fucked wit da vibe. I'll try to find some other place to move it, but I'm not to bothered with it not being visible on the site itself. Just follow me thru nekoweb for now if you wanna follow. :3
  • Added a small blurb on my about for Vocaloid, because I forgot I also like Vocaloid too.
  • Tweaked home.html just a little
  • Did some tiny tweaks for mobile viewing
  • Added an updates log page for old updates in case anyone wants to read those. It goes from newest to oldest.
  • Added more people to my linksout! Check them out!!
  • I fixed my .site-box it's not jank anymore. Thank god.
  • Featured song changed to nice to me by Eggtan ft. Macne Nana! Peak pop music.


Hello hellooooo. I was supposed to write this um... like a long time ago. I just didn't update my site though? My bad y'all... (´>؂∂`)てへぺろ~☆
It's like every time I update my post it's only because I switched hosts.

If anyone's got advice on maintaining a static website let me knowwww...

To be honest, the main reason why I haven't updated my site is because ehehehe... Coding is too much of a pain for me.

The post before this one was never put live, but post it alongside this one to make me seem more active than I am. I was typing stuff for this site, I just never got around to finishing it however... T_T

Don't get me wrong, once I put myself in the zone it's actually rather calming and I like doing it then, but after that it's sort of like... hmmmm... I don't really have the motivation no more.
I'm not really the coding sort anyways... despite how hard I try.
I feel like a lot of people here sort of just naturally enjoy coding, but for people who kind of don't: how do you get consistent with it? I'm a bit of a shrinking violet when it comes to sharing stuff online anyways, but I feel like streamlining the process might make thing easier on me.

OH I actually have a good question this time it's about file management.

I don't know if this makes sense, but how do you all manage the files for your website? I like to have an offline copy of my website, but my file management is abysmal as in I'll have several copies of my website and then I'll forget which version is the one I currently have live? And I'll have a bunch of pages I'm not actually ready to publish yet so I have to be careful I don't accidentally post them? The actual answer is probably to be better at organizing, but if anyone has a good system of organizing it all, let me know.

I forgot yea the host changed again.


I moved from neocities to nekoweb! As many others did haha.
Nekoweb's cuter.

Updates about ME.

Thanks for your curiosity. To be honest, I don't ever really have much to say? I am kind of living life like always. Well, that's not really true. I'm preparing for some big changes in the next year, but those might be too personal to talk about.

I am going on a Japan trip next year tho! As an anniversary vacation with my girlfriend. It'll be my first time traveling abroad! Lookin' forward to it!

I'm still a bit too shy to talk about things if they don't have designated pages, which completely defeats the purpose of even having a blog, but I have a Tamagotchi! It's nothing big really. I bought an Uni earlier this year. I'm taking care of a Woopatchi currently. Her personality is naughty and I think it's really funny. I'll attach an image if I remember.

Guess that's all I have to say?

If I keep on dawdling I'll never post anything. Sad reality of Flos.
Since I moved hosts I don't expect any of the same people who read my site to still be here, but if you're here reading this, thanks for checking this place outtt ^_^
I feel like Nekoweb is probably smaller than neocities, so I feel less pressure somehow (This might not be true idk), so I'll try to update more often.

Kind of unrelated, but I feel like my scrollbars used to be much cuter? They were like... fat and chunky. Why do they look so skinny now. Am I going crazy I feel like I used to have pretty thick scrollbars... I don't really know how to bring it back I'm too stupid.

After a year of doing literally nothing, I'm updating the site!!

Hi. It's me, I'm back.
It's been a while since I've last actually updated the site. I mean, I haven't even added any new pages or anything...
I don't know if I'll update this that much since I was already so bad at committing to it, but I think I'll probably do it when I get bored. Which now if often.


Well, they're not too big, but worth reporting anyhow. Basically I'm employed now. :) Isn't that crazy? I had to temporarily move and everything. It's not big because I probably won't be here for more than 10 months.

It's been pretty hard for me to keep up with my usual hobbies though. Since I'm in a new environment and all that. In the mean time, I'll probably do some coding whenever I don't know what to do... perhaps.
Speaking of coding, I've been learning Python. I just started and I don't really know what I'll use it for, but it makes me feel smart.

(I should probably be learning HTML, CSS, and Javascript more properly instead of whatever this site is, however...)


I don't really expect anyone to read this since I can't imagine people are still looking through my site espeically since it's literally been inactive for a year, but I just wanted to update and maybe keep the ball rolling so I'll update more? I dunno.
But ya. Quick little update.

I also need to update so I can commission people and link to the pages on this site. That'll probably motivate me to do something ahahaa.



After like half a month of coding, I have finally finished readying this site for launch. This is basically the last thing that I’m writing before I upload the files.

But anyways, things that have changed on my site are almost mainly just aesthetic changes. I feel like the layout is pretty much the same as the last layout, but I just tweaked it a tiny bit.

The more noticeable changes are the fact that I added a bunch more pages and features to the site. I changed hosts to neocities and decided that if I’m going to be visible anyways, I might as well add some more random features like a guestbook or a status update thing. These weren’t on my old site due to fear of visibility, but I’m trying to get over that.

I've added a lot more social features, so it's gonna be mega embarrassing when no one interacts with me lol. But that's fine idm. I'm kind of nervous about relaunching the site to a place that'll be more visible, but I'm looking forward to it a bit! Hopefully, I'll update a lot more frequently too.

Oh yea I have a custom domain but it's inactive right now since you need to pay to use custom domains on neocities. If I like it here enough I'll upgrade my account but for now genkwa.com redirects to genkwa.neocities.org

  • switched hosts
  • changed theme
  • added guestbook function
  • added status update function
  • added site button
  • updated about page layout
  • small adjustments to various pages
  • added several new pages
    • media pages
    • oc pages
    • more work added to stuff page
  • removed various past updates
    • all past blog posts have been removed
  • removed various pages
    • thought room has been removed in place of status update feature
    • splatfest page removed due to lack of updating (also im just kind of bad at writing dialogue)